“I Am Not Ashamed”


unashamedThis was Paul’s stand, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.” In spite of a changing culture, decaying morals and present persecution, Paul would not cower to the cynics, shift his stand because of scoffers nor would he drink from the fountain of culture. His pledge was to stand unashamed and ready to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at Rome. If anything should be clear, to the point, uncompromisingly distinct, boldly proclaimed and without apology, it is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We, as believers and witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ, will never find the affirmation we so desperately long for from our surrounding culture. The support we need is not found in the counsel of the ungodly nor in the path of sinners nor in the seat of the scornful but our delight is in the law [Word] of the Lord and it is in this law [Word] that we are to meditate day and night. We do well and prosper only in light of His counsel (see Psalm 1). This is why we gather and encourage one another in worship and fellowship each week. Christ commanded us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We are to find our affirmation by coming together for worship, inspiration, encouragement, fellowship and even gather more frequently as we see the day of His appearing getting closer (Heb. 10:25).


About Mike Dr. W. Mike Runion is the Senior Pastor of City View First Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He and his wife, Gail, have served churches in North and South Carolina. A native of Greer, South Carolina, Dr. Runion holds degrees from North Greenville University (A.A., B.A.) and Southeastern Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min. in Expository Preaching). Dr. Runion has preached in churches, crusades, and revivals throughout North and South Carolina. In addition, he has served preaching alongside missionaries in foreign lands: Russia, Novgorod, and Chechulino. Romania, Cluj-Napoca, Bistrita-Nasaud, and Campia-Turzi. Brazil, Bocaiuva Do Sul. Indonesia, and Haiti.

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