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Month: February 2018

Everything Life

“Everything Life”

Choose Life!
Choose Life!

What about “Life?” It could be said that there is perhaps no greater debate in our times than conversations concerning the origins of life. How did life begin? Is there a purpose and a creator? What is life about and more importantly—where is life going?

Whatever you might believe there are many relevant and compelling question concerning everyday life. For example; for what purpose are we here? Is there really a bigger picture? What values will I teach my children? What will I do with this life? Will I live it for myself, for others, for wealth or will I waste this treasured gift? Why are there limits in life and why is there a limit to my life. More mysteriously, is there life beyond the limits of this life?

Is there a “type” of life out there that is better than all other types of life and lifestyles? I believe there is and these notes are about the unsurpassed life—a life more abundant!

Life is a beautiful gift. These personal notes are written from a premise that there is a life-giver, a creator and sustainer. That creation began by an intelligent designer and that He is the giver of “Everything Life!”

“He himself gives life and breath to everything.” (Acts 17:25)